Looking for the perfect job requires time and effort.
You have to reach out to employers and recruitment agencies. You have to write your resume, post it online or mail them directly to companies.
Consider the following points during your job hunting process:
Know what you want
What kind of job do you really want? Really, this is the most important thing you have to think about. Some people are in a situation that they are ready to accept any job.
But how long are you going to last doing something you don’t like to do? Your colleagues and managers will notice it and your chances of getting fired will be much higher than at a company where you do what you enjoy.
So first start by determining what kind of job you like to do.
Prepare yourself
Have your CV and resume ready. If you don’t have a professional resume, create one using our free resume builder. Setup a website with your career portfolio and get all your diploma’s and certificates. You need to have quick access to these documents whenever an employer asks for it.
General jobsites
There are many ways to find the right job. Start of by searching on the internet on jobboards like Monsterboard and Careerbuilder. For jobs in a specific industry try niche jobsites like Dice (IT professionals). Or you can use a Job search engine like Indeed.com to search all jobsites at once.
Check out job vacancies in national and local newspapers. They still include some interesting jobs, even though lots of these newspapers have the same jobs published on their website.
Job centers
Visiting career and job centers is another way to find a job. You can check out multiple companies in one day and decide where you would best fit in.
Magazines for Professionals
Professionals should certainly look for job listings in magazines because employers that would want to hire them will be reading and advertising there.
Many offices have postings of job openings pinned on on their notice boards. Applicants can go directly to the office and check out these vacancies. Most of the time you can submit your resume and other documents to the recruitment division of the company right away.